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Purpose Of Hatha Yoga Clinic

1.  For many, their attitude towards life is no longer healthy, and constantly subjected to      unnecessary tensions because of their inability to think realistically and set positive lifestyles.
2.  For various reasons many may not have an opportunity to make use of games and other forms      of physical activities to derive health benefits.

3.  Yoga is not a just set of postures but a way of holistic living. In today’s market, most agencies      teach yoga as an exercise and not as a lifestyle. Many students get misguided that if they did      these exercises, their life would suddenly improve. But this is not the case. Many people            practiced yoga for a long time, yet remain unhappy or unsatisfied with their life. When they      start using Swami Patanjali's teaching as a guide, they will understand that yoga includes      other forms and start changing their lifestyle, diet, and attitudes.

4.  Yoga sutra teaches that yoga is a spiritual discipline, not a materialistic one. In today’s life,       we are diversifying ourselves from the spiritual side of life and have given way too       much importance to materialism.

5.  Yoga can start to bring together spiritual life and the material world that we are used to.

6.  Modern concept of Hatha yoga is the integration of personality at all possible levels                 of physical, mental, social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.  Therefore, there is a greater          need for physical, mental fitness and health in general. Hatha yoga techniques are applied to        combat health issues as well as develop spiritual health.

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