Course Content
Yoga history - Meaning - Ancient and modern concepts of yoga -Bhakti Yoga - Gnana Yoga - Karma Yoga - Raja Yoga - Hatha Yoga. Definition - purpose and practice mode of each yoga. The four yoga systems mentioned above are mind-oriented and lead to spiritual development, whereas Hatha yoga in addition to spiritual value has cultural ( physical ) and therapeutic values. Hatha Yoga consists of Yamas, Niyamas, Aasanas, Pranayama, Prathyahar, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadi. (Samadhi is equanimity of mind). There are 84 Asanas, Bandhas, Mudras, and Kriyas. Traditions and biographies of ancient and modern yogic historians, yoga philosophy, and professional ethics. Teaching methods of yoga. Therapeutics modalities to different health ailments. The subject of yoga with great depth, is ocean-like, and has volumes of literature. More so it is a practical-oriented subject.